Onboarding Can Make or Break a New Hire’s Experience
Poor onboarding can leave your employees with lower confidence in their new roles, worsened levels of engagement, and an increased risk of jumping ship when they see a new, more exciting position elsewhere. On the other hand, companies that implement a formal onboarding program could see 50% greater employee retention among new recruits and 62% greater productivity within the same group. Given that how you onboard your employees will determine their experience, managers can take the following steps to ensure they set their new hires up for success: 1) set clear goals and measures for success, 2) create a multi-departmental onboarding team, and 3) provide support throughout the onboarding journey.
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Support for Ukraine
Ireland has joined other EU countries offering refuge to Ukrainian people fleeing the conflict in their country. Government ministers say they expect between 80,000 and 100,000 people to arrive here, with about a third likely to be children.
When you are ready to look for a job then we are here to help. You can search for the latest temporary and permanent jobs along the M7 corridor on our website www.clark.ie.
We will provide a complementary CV Service to help you begin your job hunt and we will help you identify the jobs that are a good fit for your skills and experience.
We’ve a complementary Job Seekers Toolkit section on our website, where you can download CV templates, Interview preparation guides, coaching information and more. You’ll find it at: https://clark.ie/downloads/
You can call our Recruitment team on 045 881888. We’re here to help.
Clark Workforce Survey 2022
Expectations and arrangements regarding how people work are changing. Hybrid work yields high employee engagement.
A significant workforce survey taken along five counties on the M7 corridor from a range of SMEs and multinationals has found that organisations are optimistic about future economic prospects. 93% of respondents were optimistic or neutral about the wider economic climate, and 76% reported that they expect some form of growth in their organisation.
Companies surveyed across Kildare, West Dublin, Carlow, Laois and Kilkenny are preparing for this growth on the back of existing skill shortages in their teams. 31% of respondents do not believe that their organisation has the talent needed to achieve their current objectives, and 63% described the skill shortages that they have experienced in the last year as extreme or moderate.
The impacts of these shortages are clearly called out in the survey findings, with 39% reporting that those skills shortages limit organisational productivity on an ongoing basis, directly impacting staff morale, increased stress for leaders, a reduced ability to deliver projects, and limiting the opportunities for productivity and innovation according to the survey by recruitment and HR consultancy firm Clark with the collaboration of Maynooth University, County Kildare Chamber and Grant Thornton. Companies surveyed ranged from small and large SMEs to multinationals across over 14 sectors including pharma, medtech, food/beverage, agri, IT, professional services, engineering, logistics, FMCG, manufacturing, construction, financial services and hotel-leisure.
Employers surveyed are concerned about the hiring challenges ahead, with a shortage of suitable candidates, competition from other employers, and rising salary costs quoted as their top three concerns. 63% of respondents reported that they intend to increase salaries in the next year, and this coupled with rising energy, transport, and material costs, will certainly raise some difficult challenges for organisations in managing their cost base.
Further findings from the survey which was conducted in January 2022 showed that expectations and arrangements regarding how people work are changing. The prolonged experience of remote and hybrid work has altered expectations. Individual preferences, along with the government’s commitment to legislate employees’ right to request remote work, means creating mutually productive and satisfying hybrid work arrangements will be a pertinent issue facing business leaders and HR professionals.
Interesting the scale of workplace change is captured very clearly in this year’s survey. 78% of organisations offer remote working and 81% of employees work remotely at least part of the time. Furthermore, only 26% of respondents report they would be satisfied with a full-time return to the office and 77% of organisations will offer some a form of remote working going forward. The momentum is certainly on the side of ongoing hybrid work arrangements.
The survey indicates that the most common longer-term, hybrid arrangements will facilitate remote working approximately 50% of the time. The positive experience of remote work, along with the potential to scale up the training and supports, points to potential of hybrid work to yield high employee engagement alongside time efficient, productive working arrangements.
Managing Director of Clark Deirdre Coghlan Murray said “With new models of working widely available, the increase in salary levels driven both by a rise in inflation and competition for a smaller pool of talent, the landscape for attracting and retaining people has certainly become a more complex one. Employers need to work very hard to both attract and retain their people.”
Andrew Webb, Director Advisory Chief Economist, Grant Thornton believes “While optimism indicators are displaying strong positive sentiment, new headwinds to the economic outlook are mounting. Labour market skills challenges have emerged as vacancies increased faster than expected. Supply chain bottlenecks have also emerged, causing volatility in the level and scale of consumer demand.”
Patrick Gallen, Partner, People & Change Consulting, Grant Thornton “Strongly articulated Employee Value Proposition (EVP) will be key in attracting and retaining talent. Aside from financial reward and other benefits, offering an employment proposition that includes training people in the skills they need to do their jobs well, offering evidence that your employees feel valued, are treated fairly for the job they do, and have opportunities to both work flexibly and to progress their careers, will be critical. This sounds simple, but getting it right can be very tricky, and done well it can provide a key competitive advantage for your organisation.”
Dr. Jean Cushen Associate Professor, HRM. Deputy Head of School, Accreditations, School of Business, Maynooth University highlights “The data points to hybrid work being both desirable and viable, and the positive experience of remote work occurred alongside reports of delivering an increased workload. Other studies indicate that the increased workload associated with remote work comes from the additional communications needed to gain clarity and drive remote collaborations. This opens up a wider, important discussion about the relationship between hybrid work and optimum time management and how we best utilise the time and energy we might have previously lost to commuting and other logistical demands.”
Allan Shine CEO of the County Kildare Chamber acknowledges that “skill shortages are a huge challenge for every sector. Most prevalent are the manufacturing, food, transportation, and tourism sectors. There is also a challenge for SME’s to retain staff with many leaving to join larger MNC’s attracted by better pay, work conditions, cultural diversity and a sustainable business model.”
If you would like further information or we can help you regarding the information provided in this survey, please contact hello@clark.ie or a member of our team on 045 881888. We’d be delighted to help you.
Happy St Patrick’s Day
The Clark offices will be closed Thursday 17th and Friday 18th of March.
Why Inclusive Leaders Are Good for Organizations, and How to Become One
Companies increasingly rely on diverse, multidisciplinary teams that combine the collective capabilities of women and men, people of different cultural heritage, and younger and older workers. But simply throwing a mix of people together doesn’t guarantee high performance; it requires inclusive leadership — leadership that assures that all team members feel they are treated respectfully and fairly, are valued and sense that they belong, and are confident and inspired. Research involving 3,500 ratings by employees of 450 leaders found that inclusive leaders share six behaviours — and that leaders often overestimate how inclusive they really are. These are the behaviours: visible commitment, humility, awareness of bias, curiosity about others, cultural intelligence, and effective collaboration.
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Supporting the Well-Being of Your Underrepresented Employees
Bountiful research has documented the importance of DEI for business. We know that organizations with diverse workforces enjoy increased financial performance, innovation, and creativity and decreased attrition and related costs. But efforts to address DEI in the workplace are typically disconnected from those aimed at supporting employee health and wellness. To enact meaningful change in the lives of employees, it’s critical for business leaders to address employees’ total well-being, including their physical, mental, emotional, and financial health; work-life balance; and social equity. Simply put, well-being is a central strategy to ensure that employees are able to contribute their best while navigating the myriad challenges that impact how they live, work, and relate to others. Failing to address the intersectionality of DEI and well-being does a substantial disservice to employees. The authors present a series of actions employers should take to ensure every part of their population has the resources and information they need to address the special needs of marginalized employee populations.
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7 Practical Ways to Reduce Bias in Your Hiring Process
A vast body of research shows that the hiring process is biased and unfair. Unconscious racism, ageism, and sexism play a big role in who gets hired. But there are steps you can take to recognize and reduce these biases. Where should you start? And how can you help others on your team do the same?
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Why Starting a New Job Feels So Awkward
When you’re first starting out in a new job, it can feel awkward. Even if you have effective onboarding, you might not be sure what to say, who to talk to, or how to figure out what you need to know. And you’re not alone. Most people struggle with discomfort in the first few days, weeks, or even months at a new gig. The author shares three psychological reasons that explain why these transitions can be uncomfortable as well as ways to overcome the associated challenges – or to help smooth the way for a new hire who just joined your team.
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Specialists in Financial Recruitment
With over 20 years accounts experience, Niamh is a seasoned finance professional who has an in-depth technical understanding of what’s required to work and thrive in any finance role. As a finance specialist, she offers you a unique understanding of your accounting career goals and your financial recruitment needs.
Managing Clark’s specialists Accountancy & Finance division, Niamh focuses on the recruitment of accountancy and finance professionals from part-qualified to newly qualified accountants up to senior and executive level.
Experience the difference. You can call Niamh, your expert Finance Recruitment Partner on 045 881888 or email niamh@clark.ie. Her specialism is built on experience.