Success Story: Sexing Technologies LEARN MORE

Success Story: Sexing Technologies

In fields related to science and other technical skillsets, it can be challenging to attract qualified team members. For Sexing Technologies®, a company which specialises in livestock reproductive and genetics technologies,  its own unique focus adds an additional challenge in sourcing qualified candidates.  That’s why Sexing Technologies® enlisted the help of Clark to attract talent for multiple Laboratory Technician roles based in Ireland and Worldwide.


The Process

Deep dive into this case study, and learn how Clark’s Recruitment Solutions helped Sexing Technologies® to achieve their staffing goals. Click the image below to read more.


The Outcome

Thanks to Clark’s comprehensive recruitment & selection process, Sexing Technologies® sourced multiple candidates with the required technical skills and relevant experience, for various laboratories around the world. It also allowed Clark to develop a talent pool of other qualified individuals who may be considered for future roles, creating a new pipeline of talent for Sexing Technologies®.


Partner with Clark for Your Recruitment Needs

The story behind Sexing Technologies® relationship with Clark, highlights the value of a trusted recruitment partner when sourcing talent for highly-specialised technical roles.  Our ability to address and deliver these staffing requirements highlights the value of expertise and dedication in recruitment services. Our consultants streamlined the clients’ hiring process, saving them valuable time and effort in sourcing, screening and initial interviewing.


Ready to Elevate Your Recruitment Game?

Whether you’re searching for highly sought technical skills, or need qualified team members in various worldwide locations, let Clark guide your recruitment journey. Reach out to us today on 045 881 888 or and let’s embark on a path towards success together!


Read the Success Story:

 Clark Recruitment - Supporting Sexing Technologies as their Trusted Recruitment Partner
For more information or to discuss any of these points further, please contact us or reach out to us on 045 881 888 or

The Right to Request Remote Working

Since 2020,  traditional workforce models have shifted to include hybrid and remote working. Effective from the 7th of March 2024, all employees in Ireland have a new legal right which entitles them to request remote working from their employer.


What is Remote Working?

Remote working is an agreement between an employer and their employee, whereby instead of going to the employer’s location, the employee performs parts or all of their work from another location, typically their home. The employee continues to fulfill the same duties and work hours as if they were physically attending the employers place of business. In contrast, hybrid work  provides employees with the flexibility to choose their own work schedules but still enjoy in-person interactions. For example attending the workplace some days and working from home on other days.


Who has the Right to Request Remote Working?

All employees have the right to make this request in Ireland. Employees may request remote working from the day they start a new job, but must have 6 months of continuous service before remote working can commence.

If an employee leaves their job and then returns to the same employer within 6 months, the time spent between roles does not count towards the 6 months of continuous service.


Code of Practice on Remote Working

The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023, sets out the right to request remote working in Part 3 of the act.

Employers and employees can also access further information in the Workplace Relations Commission’s (WRC) Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Right to Request Flexible Working and Right to Request Remote Working.

The WRC code of practice includes practical supports for employers, such as templates to help create relevant policies and request forms.


Making a Request for Remote Working:

When an employee requests remote working, they should:

  • Make the request as soon as is reasonable practical, and at least 8 weeks ahead of the proposed start date. 
  • Submit it in the form of a written request or online application form.
  • Share specific details of the proposed arrangement including how many days per week and which days you are requesting.
  • Detail the  reasons for you requesting remote work.
  • State the proposed start date and duration for the arrangement.
  • Specify the proposed remote work location e.g. at home,  co-working hubs.
  • Explain the suitability of the proposed location, for example access to broadband/other tools, a workstation that is configured according to health & safety guidelines. (Page 16 of the WRC code of practice details relevant information to include).


What Employers Should Consider:

When evaluating your request, the employer should consider:

  • The needs of the business,
  • The needs of the employee and their reasons for this request,
  • The WRC Code of Practice.

This may also include considering your suitability and the suitability of the role for remote working. Relevant considerations may include:

  • Whether the duties of the role can be performed remotely.
  • If on-site attendance is required for certain duties or tasks.
  • If the technology exists internally to facilitate remote work.
  • Whether there are any health & safety considerations.


Responding to Requests for Remote Working:

Employers must respond to requests for remote working as soon as possible. At latest, their decision must be delivered to you within 4 weeks of them receiving your request.

The employer may request more time to consider the request and provide a decision to you.  In this case, they must state how much additional time is required, up to a maximum limit of 8 weeks.


Request Outcomes

If your request for remote working is refused, the employer must state in writing that it has been rejected and the reasons for this decision.

If your request is approved by your employer, then they will share an agreement which is to be signed by both the employer and the employee. This document should include:

  • The details of the arrangement
  • The start date and anticipated duration


In conclusion, the right to request remote working provides employees with greater work/life balance and employers with more flexible work models which in turn help to attract and retain staff. Below are some additional resources designed to help employers and employees as they navigate this process.


Additional Information:


For more information on this policy please contact us on 045 881 888 or
Interviewing Skills for Hiring Managers and Businesses - Clark Recruitment - LEARN MORE

Interviewing Skills for Hiring Managers and Businesses

Hiring the right talent is crucial for organizational success. However, finding the perfect fit goes beyond reviewing resumes and qualifications. It requires an understanding of interviewing techniques that accurately assess a candidate’s skills, competencies, and cultural fit. Interviewing is not just about asking questions; it’s an art that requires finesse, empathy, and strategic thinking. In this blog, we explore how hiring managers and businesses can refine their interviewing skills to identify top talent and build high-performing teams.


Understanding the Purpose of Interviews:

Before delving into the specifics of interviewing techniques, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental purpose of interviews. Interviews serve multiple objectives, including assessing a candidate’s qualifications, evaluating their cultural fit, gauging their communication skills, and predicting their potential performance within the organization. By understanding these objectives, hiring managers can tailor their approach to extract relevant information effectively.


Preparing for the Interview:

Preparation is key to conducting successful interviews. This involves not only familiarizing oneself with the candidate’s resume but also defining the criteria for evaluation, crafting thoughtful questions, and establishing an inviting atmosphere conducive to open dialogue. Additionally, preparing a structured interview plan ensures consistency and fairness in the evaluation process, minimizing bias and subjectivity.


Building Rapport and Creating a Positive Environment:

Building rapport with candidates is essential for fostering open communication and putting them at ease during the interview. Simple gestures such as greeting them warmly, maintaining eye contact, and actively listening to their responses can go a long way in establishing rapport. Creating a positive environment encourages candidates to showcase their true abilities and personality, leading to more insightful evaluations.


Asking Effective Questions:

The questions posed during an interview play a pivotal role in eliciting valuable information about the candidate. Effective questions are open-ended, behaviorally-based, and tailored to the specific requirements of the role. Behavioral questions, in particular, prompt candidates to provide examples of past experiences, allowing hiring managers to assess their competencies and problem-solving abilities more accurately.


Active Listening and Nonverbal Communication:

Active listening is a critical skill that enables hiring managers to engage with candidates attentively and extract meaningful insights from their responses. Nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice also convey valuable information about a candidate’s confidence, sincerity, and emotional intelligence. By honing these skills, interviewers can gain a deeper understanding of the candidate beyond their words.


Evaluating Cultural Fit:

Assessing cultural fit is essential for ensuring alignment between the candidate’s values, attitudes, and the organization’s culture. This involves probing beyond technical skills and qualifications to understand how well the candidate’s personality and work style align with the company’s values, mission, and work environment. Behavioral interviewing techniques and scenario-based questions can help gauge cultural fit more effectively.


Mitigating Bias and Promoting Diversity:

Bias can significantly impact the fairness and validity of the interviewing process, leading to suboptimal hiring decisions. Hiring managers must be vigilant in recognizing and mitigating biases stemming from factors such as race, gender, age, or background. Implementing structured interview protocols, diverse interview panels, and blind resume screening can help minimize bias and promote diversity within the organization.


Providing Constructive Feedback:

Effective feedback is instrumental in fostering continuous improvement for both candidates and hiring managers. Providing timely and constructive feedback to candidates not only enhances their experience but also enables them to identify areas for growth and development. Likewise, soliciting feedback from candidates about the interview process can offer valuable insights for refining future practices and enhancing the overall candidate experience.


Mastering the art of interviewing is a continuous journey that requires ongoing learning, adaptation, and refinement. By adopting a strategic approach, honing essential skills, and embracing best practices, hiring managers and businesses can elevate their interviewing process, attract top talent, and cultivate a culture of excellence within their organizations. As the workforce landscape continues to evolve, investing in effective interviewing techniques remains a cornerstone of successful talent acquisition and retention strategies.



10 Tips to Optimize Your Current Career Path LEARN MORE

10 Tips to Optimize Your Current Career Path

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic job market, it’s essential for professionals to continually assess and optimize their career paths to stay competitive and achieve their goals. Whether you’re looking to advance within your current organization or explore new opportunities elsewhere, optimizing your career path can help you maximize your potential and find fulfillment in your work. In this article, we’ll explore ten actionable tips to help jobseekers and candidates navigate and optimize their current career paths effectively.


  1. Self-Reflection and Goal Setting:

Start by taking stock of where you are in your career and where you want to be in the future. Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values to gain clarity about your career goals and aspirations. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that align with your professional aspirations, whether it’s acquiring new skills, securing a promotion, or transitioning to a different industry.


  1. Continuous Learning and Skill Development:

In today’s knowledge-based economy, continuous learning is essential for staying relevant and competitive in your field. Invest in expanding your skill set through formal education, online courses, workshops, certifications, or professional development programs. Identify emerging trends and technologies in your industry and proactively acquire the necessary skills to remain marketable and adaptable to changing demands.


  1. Network Building and Relationship Management:

Networking is a powerful tool for career advancement, providing access to job opportunities, industry insights, and professional support. Cultivate meaningful relationships with peers, mentors, industry experts, and potential employers through networking events, professional associations, social media platforms, and informational interviews. Actively engage with your network to seek advice, share knowledge, and explore collaboration opportunities.


  1. Personal Branding and Online Presence:

Your personal brand is how you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you professionally. Build a strong personal brand by showcasing your expertise, accomplishments, and professional interests through your resume, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, and online presence. Tailor your branding to highlight your unique value proposition and differentiate yourself from competitors in the job market.


  1. Seek Feedback and Mentorship:

Feedback is invaluable for professional growth and development, providing insights into your strengths, areas for improvement, and blind spots. Solicit feedback from supervisors, colleagues, mentors, and industry peers to gain a comprehensive understanding of your performance and how you can enhance your skills and competencies. Seek mentorship from experienced professionals who can offer guidance, advice, and support as you navigate your career path.


  1. Embrace Challenges and Take Risks:

Don’t shy away from challenges or opportunities that push you out of your comfort zone. Embrace new experiences, projects, and responsibilities that allow you to stretch your capabilities and demonstrate your potential for growth and leadership. Be willing to take calculated risks and seize opportunities for advancement, even if they involve uncertainty or stepping into unfamiliar territory.


  1. Adaptability and Resilience:

The ability to adapt to change and bounce back from setbacks is essential for navigating today’s dynamic job market. Cultivate resilience by maintaining a positive attitude, staying flexible in the face of uncertainty, and learning from failures and setbacks. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and innovation, and remain agile in adjusting your career strategy to align with evolving circumstances and opportunities.


  1. Stay Current and Informed:

Stay informed about industry trends, market dynamics, and job market conditions relevant to your field. Regularly monitor industry publications, news outlets, professional forums, and social media channels to stay abreast of emerging trends, best practices, and career opportunities. Stay current with advancements in technology, methodologies, and industry standards to remain competitive and adaptable in your career.


  1. Work-Life Balance and Well-being:

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for sustaining long-term career satisfaction and well-being. Prioritize self-care, leisure activities, and relationships outside of work to recharge and prevent burnout. Set boundaries around your work hours, workload, and personal time to maintain balance and preserve your physical, mental, and emotional health.


  1. Evaluate and Adjust Your Career Path:

Regularly assess your progress towards your career goals and evaluate whether your current path aligns with your aspirations and values. Be open to reassessing and adjusting your career trajectory based on new opportunities, changing priorities, or shifts in the job market. Seek feedback from trusted advisors, reflect on your experiences, and pivot as needed to stay aligned with your professional aspirations and personal fulfillment.


In conclusion, optimizing your current career path requires proactive self-reflection, continuous learning, strategic networking, and adaptability to change. By implementing these ten tips, jobseekers and candidates can take control of their career trajectories, maximize their potential, and achieve long-term success and fulfillment in their chosen fields. Remember, your career journey is a marathon, not a sprint, so stay focused, resilient, and committed to pursuing your professional aspirations with passion and purpose.


JobSeeker’s can register their cv for future opportunities, or visit our website to search & apply for open roles. For more information on career journey management, contact us or call our team on 045 881 888 or
Navigate-Your-Return-to-the-Office-Full-Time.png LEARN MORE

Navigate Your Return to the Office Full-Time

As the world gradually moves towards reopening, many workers are finding themselves confronted with the prospect of returning to the office full time. Whether you’re eager to reunite with colleagues full-time or hesitant about leaving the comforts of remote work behind, navigating this transition requires careful consideration and proactive strategies. Here’s how you can effectively manage your employer’s directive to return to the office, or explore new opportunities if necessary.


Strategies for Successful Office Return:

  1. Prepare Mentally and Emotionally: Returning to the office after a prolonged period of remote work can be emotionally challenging. Take the time to acknowledge your feelings and prepare yourself mentally for the transition. Focus on the positive aspects of in-person collaboration and reconnecting with colleagues.
  2. Establish Clear Boundaries: As you reintegrate into the office environment, it’s essential to establish clear boundaries to maintain work-life balance. Set realistic expectations for yourself and others, and prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. Communicate openly with your employer about any accommodations you may need to support your well-being.
  3. Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Be prepared for the unexpected as you navigate the return to the office. Stay flexible and adaptable in the face of changing circumstances, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Remember that the transition may take time, and it’s okay to seek support from colleagues or professional resources if needed.


Exploring New Opportunities:

  1. Assess Your Alignment: If returning to the office full time is not aligned with your personal or professional goals, it may be time to explore new opportunities. Reflect on what matters most to you in a work environment, whether it’s flexibility, career advancement, or a supportive company culture.
  2. Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile: Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your current skills, experience, and career aspirations. Highlight any remote work experience or achievements that demonstrate your ability to thrive in a flexible work environment.
  3. Network and Research: Reach out to your professional network and explore job boards to identify potential opportunities that align with your preferences and career goals. Research companies that offer remote or hybrid work arrangements and tailor your job search accordingly.


In conclusion, managing your employer’s directive to return to the office full time requires a combination of negotiation skills, adaptability, and self-awareness. Whether you’re advocating for remote work, preparing to reintegrate into the office environment, or exploring new opportunities, approaching the transition with a proactive mindset can help you navigate this challenging period successfully. Remember to prioritize your well-being and career goals as you make decisions about your future path.



JobSeeker’s can register their cv for future opportunities, or visit our website to search & apply for open roles. For more information on career journey management, contact us or call our team on 045 881 888 or
The Pros and Cons of Mandating Staff to Return to the Office LEARN MORE

The Pros and Cons of Mandating Staff to Return to the Office

In the wake of the global pandemic, businesses around the world faced a seismic shift in their operations, with remote work becoming the new norm almost overnight. Now, as we cautiously step into a post-pandemic world, the question on many hiring managers’ minds is whether to require staff to return to the office full time. While this decision isn’t one-size-fits-all, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons carefully to ensure the best outcomes for both employees and the organization.



  • Enhanced Collaboration and Innovation: One of the primary arguments for bringing employees back to the office full time is the potential for increased collaboration and innovation. Face-to-face interactions can foster spontaneous brainstorming sessions, facilitate quicker decision-making, and promote a stronger sense of camaraderie among team members. For example, the chance encounters in the hallway or at the water cooler can lead to serendipitous moments of creativity that may not occur in a remote setting.
  • Cultural Reinforcement: The office environment often serves as the physical manifestation of a company’s culture. By having employees back in the office full time, organizations can reinforce their values, norms, and sense of belonging. This can be especially beneficial for new hires who may struggle to assimilate into the company culture when working remotely. For instance, regular team lunches, in-person meetings, and company events can help foster a sense of community and connection among employees.
  • Increased Productivity and Accountability: While remote work offers flexibility, some businesses have found that a full-time office presence can lead to greater productivity and accountability. With the boundaries between work and home life blurred in a remote setup, employees may find it challenging to disconnect from work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Being in the office can provide a structured environment conducive to focused work and may reduce distractions that come with remote work, such as household chores or family interruptions.



  • Limited Talent Pool: Requiring employees to return to the office full time may limit access to a diverse talent pool. Many skilled professionals, particularly those with caregiving responsibilities or living in remote areas, may prefer or require the flexibility of remote work. By mandating full-time office attendance, businesses risk excluding these individuals from their hiring pool, potentially missing out on top talent.
  • Increased Costs: Maintaining a physical office space comes with significant overhead costs, including rent, utilities, and office supplies. Requiring all employees to work in the office full time can substantially increase these expenses, especially for businesses operating in high-rent areas. Additionally, businesses may need to invest in additional safety measures and sanitation protocols to ensure a safe work environment in light of ongoing public health concerns.
  • Decreased Employee Satisfaction and Engagement: For many employees, the flexibility of remote work has become a highly valued perk. Mandating a return to the office full time could lead to decreased employee satisfaction and engagement, particularly among those who have grown accustomed to the benefits of remote work, such as eliminating long commutes, flexible schedules, and a better work-life balance. This, in turn, could negatively impact retention rates and employee morale.


In conclusion, the decision to require staff to return to the office full time is a complex one that requires careful consideration of the unique needs and dynamics of each organization. While there are undeniable benefits to having employees back in the office, such as enhanced collaboration and cultural reinforcement, businesses must also weigh the potential drawbacks, including limited access to talent, increased costs, and decreased employee satisfaction. Ultimately, a hybrid approach that combines the best aspects of remote work with in-person collaboration may offer the most effective solution for fostering a productive and engaged workforce in the post-pandemic era.


For more information or to discuss any of these points further, please contact us or reach out to us on 045 881 888 or

Presenteeism: Why Being Present Isn't Always Productive LEARN MORE

Presenteeism: Why Being Present Isn’t Always Productive

In the bustling world of modern workplaces, there’s an often-overlooked phenomenon that chips away at productivity and employee well-being: presenteeism. While absenteeism, the absence of employees from work, tends to grab headlines, presenteeism lurks in the shadows, quietly wreaking havoc on organizational performance and individual health. Let’s delve into this lesser-known issue, explore its impact, and shed light on why it’s just as detrimental as its more recognized counterpart.


What is Presenteeism?

Presenteeism refers to the phenomenon where employees show up for work but are not fully productive due to illness, stress, or other personal issues. Essentially, they’re physically present but mentally or emotionally disengaged, leading to decreased efficiency, reduced quality of work, and potential negative consequences for their health.



Picture this: Sally comes to work despite battling a severe cold. She spends most of the day sneezing, sniffling, and struggling to focus, ultimately accomplishing little. Similarly, Mark is dealing with significant stress at home but insists on showing up to work every day. Despite his physical presence, his mind is preoccupied, and his performance suffers as a result.


Comparing Presenteeism to Absenteeism

While absenteeism involves employees being absent from work, presenteeism presents a different set of challenges. Absenteeism is often visible and can be addressed through policies and procedures for managing leave. Presenteeism, on the other hand, flies under the radar, as employees are physically present, masking the underlying issues that may be affecting their performance.


The True Cost

Now, let’s talk numbers. While absenteeism certainly incurs costs for organizations in terms of lost productivity and increased workload for remaining staff, presenteeism can be equally, if not more, damaging. Research suggests that the costs associated with presenteeism often outweigh those of absenteeism. Why? Because not only are employees less productive while at work, but their presence may also contribute to the spread of illness or errors, further impacting overall performance and morale.


Avoid Presenteeism, Manage Your Well-being

  1. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your physical and mental health. If you’re feeling unwell or overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a step back and prioritize self-care.
  2. Communicate Openly: Don’t suffer in silence. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to communicate with your manager or HR about your challenges. Transparency can lead to solutions that benefit both you and the organization.
  3. Set Boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life is essential. Take breaks, disconnect after hours, and prioritize activities that recharge your batteries.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Invest time in activities that promote your well-being, whether it’s exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Remember, a healthy work-life balance is key to long-term success.
  5. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from colleagues, friends, or professional resources if you’re struggling to manage presenteeism or other workplace challenges.


Message to Organizations

It’s time for organizations to recognize the true cost of presenteeism and take proactive steps to address it. Encouraging a culture that prioritizes employee well-being, providing resources for managing stress and illness, and promoting open communication are crucial steps in combating presenteeism. Additionally, fostering a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable taking time off when needed can help mitigate the negative effects of presenteeism and promote a healthier, more productive workforce.



In the grand scheme of workplace challenges, presenteeism may seem like a minor inconvenience. However, its insidious nature and far-reaching consequences make it formidable to productivity and employee well-being. By acknowledging the true cost of it and implementing strategies to address it, organizations can cultivate a workplace where employees thrive, ultimately driving success and sustainability for years to come.


For more information or to discuss any of these points further, please contact us or reach out to us on 045 881 888 or

Success Story Nicki Hoyne’s Pop-Up Store in Kildare Village LEARN MORE

Success Story: Nicki Hoyne’s Pop-Up Store in Kildare Village

In the dynamic realm of retail, every venture, from opening a new store to launching a pop-up, presents its own unique set of challenges. One of those challenges is the ability to assemble a proficient sales team swiftly. Enter Nicki, with her ambitious plan to launch a pop-up store in Kildare Village, and her need for a reliable recruitment solution. This is where Clark stepped in, and the results were nothing short of remarkable.


The Solution

Deep dive into this case study, and learn how Clark’s Recruitment Solutions helped Nicki  to achieve her retail goals. Click the image below to read more.


The Remarkable Outcome

Thanks to Clark’s proactive approach, Nicki’s pop-up store was equipped with a competent sales team ready to hit the ground running. The seamless recruitment process and the caliber of the staff provided played a pivotal role in the smooth operation of the store, allowing Nicki to focus her attention on other critical aspects of her business.


Partner with Clark for Your Retail Recruitment Needs

The collaboration between Nicki and Clark underscores the significance of having a trusted recruitment partner in the fast-paced retail sector. Our ability to swiftly address and fulfill Nicki’s staffing requirements highlights the value of expertise and dedication in recruitment services. This success story not only showcases Clark’s proficiency in meeting urgent recruitment needs but also emphasizes the transformative impact of seamless collaboration on the success of retail ventures.


Ready to Elevate Your Retail Recruitment Game?

Whether you’re gearing up to open a new store or launch a pop-up, let Clark be your guiding light in the recruitment journey. Reach out to us today on 045 881 888 or and let’s embark on a path towards  success together!


Read the Success Story:

Nicky Hoyne's Success Story
For more information or to discuss any of these points further, please contact us or reach out to us on 045 881 888 or
A Guide for Gen Z Professionals Entering the Workforce LEARN MORE

A Guide for Gen Z Professionals Entering the Workforce

As Gen Z steps onto the professional stage, understanding how to stand out to hiring managers is crucial. In a landscape that may seem old-fashioned to some, your unique strengths can bring about shifts in workplace dynamics. Here’s a pragmatic guide for Gen Z professionals entering the workforce:


1. Master the Art of Concise Communication: Older hiring managers may appreciate direct and clear communication. When crafting emails or participating in meetings, be concise and get straight to the point. Respect their time by delivering your message succinctly, showcasing your ability to articulate ideas efficiently.


2. Leverage Digital Literacy Without Overlooking Traditional Skills: While Gen Z is known for digital fluency, don’t underestimate the value of traditional skills. Showcase your ability to bridge the gap between technology and classic professional competencies. For instance, seamlessly transition between virtual collaboration tools and traditional office applications.


3. Showcase a Strong Work Ethic: Demonstrate your commitment to hard work and reliability. Old-fashioned values such as punctuality, meeting deadlines, and taking initiative are timeless. Share specific examples from your academic or extracurricular experiences that highlight your strong work ethic.


4. Embrace a Proactive Learning Mindset: Old-fashioned doesn’t mean stagnant. Express your eagerness to learn and adapt. Highlight instances where you took the initiative to upskill, attended workshops, or independently sought knowledge to stay ahead in your field.


5. Professionalism in Attire and Demeanor: While workplace dress codes may be evolving, presenting yourself professionally remains crucial. Adapt your attire to suit the corporate culture. A polished appearance and professional demeanor can set you apart and make a positive impression on traditional hiring managers.


6. Respect for Hierarchy and Chain of Command: Many traditional workplaces maintain a clear hierarchy. Demonstrate your understanding and respect for the chain of command. Clearly communicate your ideas while acknowledging the structure in place, showcasing your ability to navigate organizational dynamics effectively.


7. Cultivate Patience and Persistence: In a world that often values instant gratification, understanding the importance of patience and persistence can be a game-changer. Recognize that career growth may take time. Showcasing your commitment to long-term goals and persevering through challenges can earn you respect.


As a Gen Z professional entering the workforce, recognizing and respecting the nuances of a traditional workplace can set you on a path to success. By mastering concise communication, blending digital literacy with traditional skills, showcasing a strong work ethic, embracing a proactive learning mindset, presenting yourself professionally, respecting hierarchy, and cultivating patience, you position yourself as an invaluable asset in any workplace.


JobSeeker’s can register their cv for future opportunities, or visit our website to search & apply for open roles. For more information on career journey management, contact us or call our team on 045 881 888 or
Navigating the Shift Attracting and Retaining Gen Z Talent LEARN MORE

Navigating the Shift: Attracting and Retaining Gen Z Talent

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in the workforce, it’s imperative for hiring managers to recalibrate their strategies to attract and retain Gen Z candidates. Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, this generation brings unique expectations and preferences that will shape the workplace landscape in the years to come.


1. Digital-First Mindset: Gen Z, having grown up in a hyper-connected world, is naturally tech-savvy. To appeal to them, ensure your organization leverages cutting-edge technology in its operations. From streamlined application processes to virtual onboarding tools, adopting digital solutions not only resonates with Gen Z but also streamlines workflows for everyone.


2. Purpose-Driven Work: This generation places a high value on purposeful work. Beyond a paycheck, they seek employers aligned with their values. Clearly communicate your company’s mission and commitment to social responsibility. Showcase initiatives such as sustainability programs, community engagement, or ethical business practices. Authenticity here is key – Gen Z can spot token efforts from miles away.


3. Flexible Work Arrangements: The 9-to-5 office grind is evolving. Gen Z values flexibility and work-life balance. Offering remote work options, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks can be powerful incentives. Emphasize results over hours logged; this not only accommodates their preferences but fosters a results-oriented culture beneficial to the entire team.


4. Continuous Learning Opportunities: Gen Z places a premium on continuous learning and skill development. Provide opportunities for professional growth through mentorship programs, training sessions, and access to online courses. Emphasize a commitment to their career development, showing that your organization is invested in their long-term success.


5. Diversity and Inclusion: A diverse and inclusive workplace is non-negotiable for Gen Z. Showcase your commitment through transparent hiring practices, diversity metrics, and inclusive policies. Foster an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Highlight employee resource groups or initiatives aimed at promoting diversity within the company.


6. Fluid Communication Channels: Gen Z has grown up with instant communication. Rigid hierarchies and formalities may not resonate with them. Embrace open communication channels, such as collaborative platforms and instant messaging tools. Encourage a culture where ideas flow freely, and feedback is welcomed.


Successfully attracting and retaining Gen Z talent requires a nuanced approach. By embracing their digital fluency, aligning with their values, offering flexibility, prioritizing continuous learning, championing diversity, and fostering open communication, your organization can position itself as an attractive workplace for the next generation of professionals. This adaptability is not just a response to evolving expectations but a strategic move towards a future-ready workforce.


For more information or to discuss any of these points further, please contact us or reach out to us on 045 881 888 or