The benefits of laughing in the office

The Benefits of Laughing in the Office

Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud in the office. A series of studies shows the positive impact humor can have in the workplace. For one, it can reduce stress. “When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body,” the Mayo Clinic explains. It enhances your intake of “oxygen-rich air,” increasing your brain’s release of endorphins. Laughter has also been shown to boost productivity. A group of researchers found that after watching a comedy clip, employees were 10% more productive than their counterparts. And another group of researchers found that cracking jokes at work can even make people seem more competent. So, within the bounds of decency, laughter on the whole is a good thing, and the benefits far outweigh the risks.

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Success Story: Sexing Technologies

In fields related to science and other technical skillsets, it can be challenging to attract qualified team members. For Sexing Technologies®, a company which specialises in livestock reproductive and genetics technologies,  its own unique focus adds an additional challenge in sourcing qualified candidates.  That’s why Sexing Technologies® enlisted the help of Clark to attract talent … more.

The Right to Request Remote Working

Since 2020,  traditional workforce models have shifted to include hybrid and remote working. Effective from the 7th of March 2024, all employees in Ireland have a new legal right which entitles them to request remote working from their employer.   What is Remote Working? Remote working is an agreement between an employer and their employee, … more.
Interviewing Skills for Hiring Managers and Businesses - Clark Recruitment - LEARN MORE

Interviewing Skills for Hiring Managers and Businesses

Hiring the right talent is crucial for organizational success. However, finding the perfect fit goes beyond reviewing resumes and qualifications. It requires an understanding of interviewing techniques that accurately assess a candidate’s skills, competencies, and cultural fit. Interviewing is not just about asking questions; it’s an art that requires finesse, empathy, and strategic thinking. In … more.