DISC Index – The How? Start by understanding you.

The DISC index helps you to understand behavioural styles and how people prefer to use their talents displayed through communication and emotions.

Understanding and adapting to an individual’s behavioural style is key to success when working to develop co-operation, commitment and everyday relationships with others.

The cross-cultural language of DISC allows you to see when you, or those you work and communicate with, are at their best.  Using the most up-to-date research, The DISC Index supports the findings that the most consistent output of DISC analysis is a blend of all 4 DISC factors.

As well as increasing the performance of leadership, management, and teams, The DISC index report provides information to enable conflict resolution, team development, succession planning and at Clark we use the DISC Index to add new depth to your recruitment and retention strategy.


Values Index – The Why?

Find your motivation and passion

The Values Index Profile measures what really drives an individual, what their core values are, and so what motivates them.

The Values index profile is used to align a person’s values with organisational culture and company values and is fundamental in achieving superior performance in a role.

From a development perspective, it helps to highlight specific factors that motivate and develop a person in the working environment. This enables them to leverage their strengths by understanding themselves, their values and the system they work within.


The What?

Discover the natural talents you have and how you make decisions.

The Attribute Index is the worlds most advanced instrument that scientifically measures an individual on 77 business related attributes or “soft skills” now recognised as “essential skills”.

The Attribute Index has been used by over 600,000 people in over 40 countries to  help organisations to source, develop and retain the very best talent

This is a revolutionary profile to measure organisational skills and competencies, an Individual’s critical thinking and decision making pattern and to increase individual and team efficiency and effectiveness.

And the Attribute Index can be customised to identify and measure an individual’s skills & potential abilities specific to a role or an organisation

Talk to us and let us help you discover your next career move.


Advanced Insights  –Unleash the Potential

Bringing three of the most empowering tools together in one insightful solution.

The key to successful individual excellence lies in the combination of a person’s behaviour, values and personal skills.  We believe potential is maximized by understanding the whole person.

The Innermetrix ADVanced Insights Profile combines the best of three world‐class profiles. The Attribute Index, the Values Index and the DISC Index

Imagine the talent you could unleash in your people if you knew:

  • What links natural talents to influence decision making?
  • How does behavioural style influence actions and reactions?

Why are people motivated to use their talents based on their values?


Organisational Health Check

Comprehensively assessing your organisation for greater harmony, efficiency and profit.

There are fifty-five essential elements for optimal business performance, and eleven core business dimensions that drive performance and profitability.

  • Personal – How does the individual feel in the organisation?
  • Employee Alignment – Is everyone driving results and profitability?
  • Personnel – How effectively do your leaders lead?
  • Team Effectiveness – How strong are your teams?
  • Leadership – How trusted and inspiring is your leadership?
  • Strategy & Planning – How secure is your strategy?
  • Customer Service – How loyal are your customers?
  • Sales & Marketing – Does your pitch resonate & sell?
  • Operations – Do you run efficient and quality operations?
  • Cultural – How cohesive and beneficial is your culture?
  • Management – How effectively do you manage things?

View our video here to understand more about IMX

Introducing IMX

To learn more about IMX and its benefits, reach out to our team today on 045 881888 or email hello@clark.ie