Ready to Move Faster in Your Career? Here’s How. | Clark Recruitment

Ready to Move Faster in Your Career? Here’s How.

Telling people to “pay their dues” to move up the career ladder is no longer useful advice. We’re in a time where companies want to see immediate impact. Performing tedious or unchallenging busy work for years isn’t going to show that, and worse, it could burn you out in the process. So, how can you sidestep this outdated adage and get to where you want to go?

  • Get better at feedback. The more you demonstrate to your colleagues and managers that you’re eager to learn, the more opportunities you’ll be given and the more chances people will be willing to take on you.
  • Be a “dot connector.” If you’re new, this involves proactively building relationships with colleagues at various levels and in different departments. With this knowledge and these relationships, you can bring people together to elevate and improve the work happening across teams, as well as troubleshoot breakdowns in processes or communications between departments.
  • Build your network. The friendships and connections you build in each new role will have the power to serve you years later. Bosses or colleagues from your first job, friends of friends — all of them have the potential to improve your career (whether themselves or through another contact).

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